понеделник, 18 февруари 2013 г.

How to: Hearts

I already showed you 2 manicure designs with hearts. Now I think that it would be good to show you how to make those hearts. There are a few methods but you can also invent your own way. To draw the hearts you can use a thin brush, bobbi pin, toothpick or really anything you can draw with.

The first picture shows how to make hearts with thin nail polish brush. The "thing" in the bottle is nail polish remover. It's there because everytime I dip the brush in it it's covered with nail polish and the nail polish remover cleans it instead me. So to do the heart you simply draw 2 lines in the shape of "V". I used this technique in my Heart Flowers Manicure.They look really sweet and are easy to be done.

For the second heart I used a dotting tool. I can't remember where I got mine from but you can find them everywhere and they're very cheap. To make the heart just make 2 dots near to each other and connect them. With this technique you can make fuller hearts but they are still cute and easy. I used one like these in my Valentine's Day Inspired Manicure.

Finally on this picture I wanted to show you how the hearts look when they're made with different tool. You can see which heart with which tool is made. From left to right - thin brush; tooth pick; bobbi pin; dotting tool. They are looking almost the same (for me) but on the nails they can look different, depending on the artist.

Hope you have fun and this post was usefull for you. Feel free to tell me what tools do you use to make little designs (drawing) on your nail. I'd love to learn something new. =]
                                                                                                                      xoxo Aleks

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