понеделник, 25 февруари 2013 г.

DIY: Mother's Day Photo Collage

Hey there my lovelies,

I know that all arround the world Mother's Day is celebrated ot a different day but in Bulgaria it is on 8th March every year. It can be stressful and hard to find the perfect gift for your mom, That's why I have a great idea for you. It is really easy and  cheap. So let's get started!

For this project you'll need white or colored paper, pencil, ruler, scissors, glue, old newspaper or magazine, paint( I use acrylic), time and passion.

First trace the letters you need on the paper. I need the letters "M" and "A" since in my language mother is spelled "мама". I make the letters by my self with a ruler but if you have a template you can use it. After that cut out the letters.

We will cover the letters with little pieces of newspaper and to seal that we will need a mixture of equal parts water and glue. This technique is called papier mache. After you've cut the newspaper in little pieces and have prepared the mixture you can start covering the letters with the newspaper and gluing it using a brush.

When you have finished covering the letters with the papier mache you should let them dry for at least 30min. After that color them. You can use whatever color you want. I chose red because I like it, so does my mom. I used acrylic paint but it ok to use even watercolours as long as they are pigmented enough to cover  the newspaper underneath. You can still see the newspaper on my letters but I think it looks cute so I let it like that. Once you're done coloring be sure to let the letters dry completely because if the pain is wet it will stain you hands.

Now comes the funniest part - filming. Set your background and start making pictures. I'm doing this with my brother so we are taking turns with the letters .Set the camera and ...say "cheese" :D

So this is one of the pictures I'll be using. I'm holding the "A"s and my brother is holding the "M"s. After a few minutes having fun with the camera you'll have enough photos to choose from. Pick the once you like and take them to the photo center. After that frame them or just glue them to any hard surface to make your own personalized frame. You can decorate them of your choice. Get creative and make your mother the happiest person on that day!
PS. The sites that I'm using for editing my picures are http://www.picmonkey.com/ and http://pixlr.com/express/.
                                                                                                                     xoxo Aleks

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